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Archive for the Author ‘Phillipp von Raven’
German Partnerships: MoPeG Brings Changes From 2024
The German Act on the Modernization of Partnership Law (MoPeG) symbolizes a reform in partnership law, striving to establish a contemporary and legally secure regulatory framework for partnerships in Germany. It has been labeled as “the work of the century” in […]
The Ideal Company Purchase from The Buyer’s Point of View in Germany
Having already presented the ideal company sale from the seller’s point of view, we would now like to look at the company purchase from the buyer’s point of view. Agreement on purchase conditions Once the target company has been identified, the […]
Cross-border Divisions and Conversions Are Now Possible Within the EU and EFTA
With effect from March 1, 2023, German legislation has amended the German Transformation Act (UmwG) to include new provisions on cross-border divisions (Sections 320-332 UmwG) and cross-border conversions (Sections 333-345 UmwG). The so called Mobility Directive of the EU (Directive (EU) […]
The Ideal Company Sale From The Seller’s Point of View in Germany
When selling a company in Germany, it makes sense for the seller to consider in good time which criteria are essential for a successful sale of the company from his point of view. Deal security is decisive for the selection of […]
Breach of Due Diligence: Managing Director in Germany Personally Liable For Employee Violations
It is repeatedly confirmed by the jurisdiction: Managing directors of a German limited liability company (GmbH) can be held personally responsible for the violations of an employee. In a recent case, the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court (OLG) confirmed a ruling by […]
Termination of Commercial Agent Agreements in Germany
There are various reasons for the termination of commercial agent agreements. The principal (this is the party that commissions the commercial agent and whose products are being distributed) would like, for example, to distribute its products themselves in the sales territory […]
Obligation to Report For EU Foreigners When Acquiring Shares in German Companies
Obligation to report to the Federal Ministry of Economics in the event of the acquisition of shares in German companies by EU foreigners In recent years, scrutiny of the acquisition of shares in German companies outside the defence sector by investors […]
“Best Effort” obligations in the acquisition of companies and in contracts in Germany
In contracts, such as company purchase agreements or supply agreements, there are often clauses according to which a party is not wholly obliged to perform (e.g. to supply certain goods) or to bring about a success (e.g. to prompt the approval […]
Letter of Intent and Term Sheet in M&A transactions
The takeover of companies or mergers with other companies is becoming more and more important. Be it to eliminate a competitor, to expand the business field or to efficiently bundle business potential – motives for merging companies are countless. What is […]
Suspension of Rental Payments in Germany Due to Corona Crisis as From April 1, 2020
Last week, the German Federal Government and the Bundestag, with the support of the Bundesrat, passed various laws in a fast-track process to mitigate the economic consequences of the corona pandemic. A whole bouquet of such regulations is contained in the […]