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Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Income Tax Law’
Taxation of Helium Mining in Germany: Crypto Mining via Radio Technology
Mining has become popular in the crypto scene, particularly through Bitcoin (BTC). Miners are paid shares of BTC in return for a rendered computing service. The computing power is necessary to maintain the blockchain system. The great disadvantage here is that […]
Crypto Profits in Germany: What to Do in Case of Official Investigations And Criminal Proceedings?
Accusation of tax evasion In 2020, many people are still investing in cryptocurrencies. Some are realizing substantial profits through clever buying and selling. The high volatility of Bitcoins and Altcoins has not changed in recent months. Contrary to the widespread opinion […]
Ministry of Finance Responds to Unlawful German Anti-Treaty Shopping Regulations
What are treaty shopping and anti-treaty shopping regulations? The term “treaty shopping” (or directive shopping) originates from U.S. treaty law and refers to tax structures implemented to benefit from tax relief under a treaty or benefits provided by a directive. The […]
U.S. Tax Reform: German Companies Need to Act
On 20 December 2017, the largest tax reform for over 30 years was enacted in the USA. It incorporates numerous changes and innovations into US tax law. Against this background, German companies with US-subsidiaries should also review their previous tax planning. […]
Expiry of a deadline ending on a Sunday, public holiday or Saturday in Germany
When a deadline to be observed by taxpayers starts upon expiry of the year in which the tax is incurred and when the year ends on a Sunday, a public holiday or a Saturday, the assessment deadline for claims under the […]