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Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Value Added Tax’
VAT Reduction in Germany: These Are The Measures Companies Should Implement Now!
On June 3, 2020, the German government adopted a new economic stimulus package announcing targeted measures totaling 130 billion euros to support and stabilize the economy in Germany. In order to help entrepreneurs and provide incentives for investment, the German stimulus […]
Value Added Tax: Chain Transactions and Tax-Free Delivery
More legal certainty for chain transactions With the law of December 12, 2019, the Bundestag passed some changes regarding the value added tax. Many of the regulations already came into force on January 1, 2020. One of them is the mandatory […]
Cryptocurrencies: Federal Ministry of Finance confirms VAT exemption
The last few days and weeks have seen a lot of uncertainty among companies trading in cryptocurrencies. According to a media report, the Bonn tax office had refused to grant VAT exemptions for transactions in Bitcoin as they considered Bitcoin to […]
Refund of German VAT: Retroactive Correction of Invoices
Under German tax law, value added tax on services received is refunded to companies. The prerequisite for a refund is that the invoice submitted is formally correct. As German VAT tax law places high requirements on invoices, however, suppliers frequently fall […]
German shops required to act: Electronic cash registers need retrofitting
For companies working with cash registers there will be a major novelty as of 01/01/2017: All electronic cash registers need to be retrofitted or exchanged. In the future, every business transaction required to be registered has to be recorded by the cash […]
Refund of the German Value Added Tax
According to a provision of German value added tax law, the refund of value added tax paid in Germany requires the production of an original invoice. For the purpose of the electronic procedure, however, the transmission of a copy of the […]
Value Added Tax obligation for multiple private sales through eBay
The fine line between non-commercial and commercial activities is more quickly crossed than you would think when using auction platforms. eBay revenue subject to value added tax? A private individual selling large quantities of items on the Internet auction platform eBay […]