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Archiv für die Kategorie ‘German Nonprofit Law’
Minority Protection in German Associations: Calling of General Meetings by the Courts
In a recent decision dated September 05, 2024 (case no. 27 W 73/24), the Hamm Higher Regional Court (OLG) rejected an association’s appeal against the court’s authorization to convene a general meeting. The case shows how important the rights of association […]
Special Representatives in German Associations: Delegation of Duties and Liability
In order to cope with the number of tasks that arise, clubs or associations in Germany have the option of a special representative in accordance with Section 30 of the German Civil Code (BGB). If an association has a special representative, […]
Moving Nonprofit Organizations From Abroad to Germany
The Berlin Court of Appeal (Kammergericht, KG) has decided: The registration of an association from another EU state in Germany by way of a cross-border change of legal form cannot be ruled out ex ante. For a long time, this question […]
Coronavirus: Withdrawal, Cancellation And Rescission of Contracts in Germany
How can companies and NPOs in Germany deal with previously concluded contracts? At the end of December 2019, coronavirus broke out and has been spreading worldwide ever since. Major events are being cancelled or postponed, schools and universities are being closed […]
Money Laundering Act: New Notification Requirements for Companies and NPOs in Germany
Almost every German business affected The alterations will affect almost everyone: Legal entities (GmbH, AG, SE, association, foundation), registered partnerships (OHG, KG, GmbH & Co. KG), as well as administrators of trusts and trustees of non-legal (dependent) foundations and other legal […]