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Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Employment Law’
EU Blue Card: Simplified Requirements for Applicants
What is the Blue Card? The EU Blue Card, comparable to the American green card, is a unique residence permit for qualified employees wishing to work in Germany. Any foreign employee can apply for the Blue Card. Since November 18, 2023, […]
Job Reference in Germany: No Right to a Thank-You and Closing Formula
Repeatedly, employees express dissatisfaction with their references. They may subsequently request their employer to revise the reference. If a reference is justifiably requested to be changed, the employer must not alter the content of a previously issued reference, including the thank-you […]
GmbH Managing Director: No Personal Liability for Failure to Pay Minimum Wage in Germany
In their professional capacities, managing directors of a GmbH (limited liability company) are subject to numerous liability risks due to their position of authority. As such, they can be held directly liable by the company’s creditors – with their personal assets, […]
Temporary Agency Work and Equal Pay in Germany: Collective Agreements May Allow for Lower Remuneration of Temporary Agency Workers
The equal pay principle is a crucial prerequisite for temporary employment relationships in Germany. In these arrangements, temporary workers are assigned to the hiring company for a specified period to perform work according to the employer’s instructions. This principle ensures that […]
Employee Leasing in Germany: The Employer Can Issue Directives by Virtue of The Contract
Employers seeking to assign their employees to customers who intend to employ them within the framework of a service contract must make all contractual agreements clear in advance in order to avoid unintentionally slipping into unauthorized employee leasing. As it is, […]
Sunday, Public Holiday And Night Bonuses Are Subject to Social Security Contributions in Germany
The German Social Security Act provides that remuneration for work is “all current or non-recurring income from employment, regardless of whether there is a legal entitlement to the income, under what name or in what form it is paid, and whether […]
Inflation Premium in Germany: Tax-Free Payments to Employees of up to EUR 3,000 Possible
The German population has noticed and felt the effects of the rising prices for gas and food. In order to contain the burdens stemming from the currently high inflation, the German government has initiated an inflation compensation premium. This is part […]
German Employment Contracts: These Contents Should Be Included
Amendment to employment law forces employers to act The Act on Proof of the Existence of an Employment Relationship obliges employers in Germany to record and hand over essential terms of an employment contract. As of August 1, 2022, this law […]
German Companies Can Permanently Fill Individual Positions With Temporary Workers
Temporary employment is the temporary transfer of a temporary worker from a lender to a hirer. The German Temporary Employment Act (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz, AÜG) assumes a maximum assignment period for the respective temporary worker to the same hirer of generally 18 months […]
3G at Work in Germany: Employees May Lose Entitlement to Remuneration
The corona pandemic is still resulting in many restrictions in Germany. New questions are also constantly being raised in employment law due to the frequently changing regulations. In our consulting work, we are also seeing time and again that the introduction […]