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Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Compliance’
Obligation to Report For EU Foreigners When Acquiring Shares in German Companies
Obligation to report to the Federal Ministry of Economics in the event of the acquisition of shares in German companies by EU foreigners In recent years, scrutiny of the acquisition of shares in German companies outside the defence sector by investors […]
Transparency Register in Germany: Observe Deadlines And Avoid High Fines
Reform of the Transparency Register forces action In 2017, the Transparency Register for Germany ( was introduced and has since been gradually adapted further. As of August 01, 2021, the reform of the Transparency Register has taken full effect. It was […]
Business Judgement Rule: 5 Basic Rules For Dutiful Action in Germany
In the event of the disclosure of compliance violations, but also in the event of damages incurred within the company as a result of measures ordered or carried out by the company itself, board members or managing directors in Germany can […]
Compliance: Avoiding Liability Traps in German Companies
In simple terms, compliance means adherence to or conformity with rules. The term is used as a synonym for the organizational and supervisory measures within a company that are conducive to compliance with applicable laws, guidelines and other (voluntary) regulations in […]
Compliance Management Structures in Germany: An indispensable tool for release from liability
Developments in recent years regarding directors’ and officers’ liability make it clear: The personal – otherwise unlimited – liability risk of general managers, supervisory bodies and executives is omnipresent. It is quite conceivable that one or the other has restless nights […]
German Corporate Liability Act: Internal Investigations Are Worthwhile for Companies!
For a long time, there was silence about the “Law on Combating Corporate Crime” agreed in the German coalition agreement. The Federal Ministry of Justice has now presented a revised draft law under the new name “Law to Strengthen the Integrity […]