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Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Blockchain’
How Does Financing a Start-up Through an ICO Work in Germany?
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are presently probably the most hyped way of procuring venture capital not only in Germany but worldwide. ICOs associate elements of crowdfunding with Blockchain technology. By the end of March 2018 alone, this innovative financing mechanism generated […]
Hard Fork: German Tax Treatment and Date of Acquisition
More often, so-called “hard forks” occur in the cycle of a cryptocurrency. The first cryptocurrency that completed a hard fork was the Ethereum blockchain. In the course of the so-called DAO hack in 2016, Ethereum was split into Ether (ETH) and […]
Regulation of ICOs in Germany and at international level
The common opinion that Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) are a form of raising capital that is subject to no regulations is increasingly facing headwinds from international regulatory authorities. Supervisors in many countries have made it clear through public statements that ICO […]
Cryptocurrencies: How Will Mining be Taxed in Germany?
Cryptocurrencies are not only attractive for investors and speculators. Apart from the purchase and sale of Bitcoin, creating their own cryptocurrency through mining is profitable for many entrepreneurs. In this context, numerous tax and accounting questions occur. Basically, mining cryptocurrencies at […]
Four banks develop Blockchain as alternative to central bank
Last year in September, Swiss bank UBS and the American start-up company Clearmatic presented their concept of a “Utility Settlement Coin” (USC) to the world. Now a group of these two companies and the Spanish bank Santander as well as the […]
Bank of England promotes Blockchain for central banks
In 1987 the renowned economist James Tobin published an article in which he raised the question if “big financial institutions can be allowed to fail?”. Today, after the financial crisis of 2008, we know the answer. In his paper, Tobin suggested […]